Maxima branch_5_47_base_1181_g9fd63b2fb using Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.14 git tag Version_2_6_14 Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING. Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter. The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information. (%i1) run_testsuite(share_tests = only) Testsuite run for GNU Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.14 git tag Version_2_6_14: Running tests in rtest_facexp: 37/37 tests passed Running tests in rtest_orthopoly: 205/205 tests passed Running tests in rtest_pslq: 48/48 tests passed Running tests in rtestflatten: 43/43 tests passed Running tests in rtest_z_transform: 36/36 tests passed Running tests in rtest_zeilberger_extreme: 9/9 tests passed Running tests in rtest_zeilberger: 53/53 tests passed Running tests in rtest_boolsimp: 48/48 tests passed Running tests in rtest_eigen: 23/23 tests passed Running tests in rtest_lsquares: 67/67 tests passed Running tests in rtest_pytranslate: 74/74 tests passed Running tests in rtest_odelin: 109/109 tests passed Running tests in rtestezunits: 316/316 tests passed Running tests in rtest_numericalio: 93/93 tests passed Running tests in rtest_simplify_sum: 86/86 tests passed Running tests in rtest_solve_rec: 33/33 tests passed Running tests in rtest_stringproc: 87/87 tests passed Running tests in rtest_md5sum: 2/2 tests passed Running tests in rtest_opproperties: 117/117 tests passed Running tests in rtest_stats: 14/14 tests passed Running tests in rtest_distrib: 187/187 tests passed Running tests in rtest_descriptive: 203/203 tests passed Running tests in rtest_interpol: 18/18 tests passed Running tests in rtest_levin: 104/104 tests passed Running tests in rtest_fractals: 11/11 tests passed Running tests in rtest_bernstein: 44/44 tests passed Running tests in rtest_atensor: 20/20 tests passed Running tests in rtest_ctensor: 49/49 tests passed Running tests in rtest_itensor: 58/58 tests passed Running tests in rtest_dgeqrf: 15/15 tests passed Running tests in rtest_dgesv: 7/7 tests passed Running tests in rtest_dlsode: 22/22 tests passed Running tests in rtest_fourier_elim: 164/164 tests passed (not counting 4 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_sequence: 54/54 tests passed (not counting 1 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_cholesky: 41/41 tests passed Running tests in rtest_eigens_by_jacobi: 24/24 tests passed Running tests in rtest_lu: 94/94 tests passed Running tests in rtest_linalg: 214/214 tests passed Running tests in rtest_matrixexp: 59/59 tests passed Running tests in rtest_romberg: 19/19 tests passed (not counting 2 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_wilcoxon: 29/29 tests passed Running tests in rtest_bitwise: 71/71 tests passed Running tests in rtest_gf: 10/10 tests passed Running tests in rtest_arag: 107/107 tests passed Running tests in rtest_pdiff: 90/90 tests passed Running tests in rtest_to_poly: 32/32 tests passed Running tests in rtestprintf: 70/70 tests passed (not counting 7 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_simplex: 18/18 tests passed Running tests in rtest_graphs: 105/105 tests passed Running tests in rtest_abs_integrate: 251/251 tests passed (not counting 2 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_pochhammer: 36/36 tests passed Running tests in rtest_to_poly_solve: 330/330 tests passed (not counting 12 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_sym: 77/77 tests passed Running tests in rtest_mnewton: 30/30 tests passed Running tests in rtest_solve_rat_ineq: 17/17 tests passed Running tests in rtest_vect: 67/67 tests passed (not counting 9 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_antid: 11/11 tests passed Running tests in rtest_bffac: 16/16 tests passed Running tests in rtest_diff_form: 43/43 tests passed Running tests in rtest_grobner: 33/33 tests passed Running tests in rtest_finance: 17/17 tests passed Running tests in rtest_fft: 99/99 tests passed Running tests in rtest_rfft: 46/46 tests passed Running tests in rtest_wrstcse: 12/12 tests passed Running tests in rtest_draw: 3 frames in animation sequence 179/179 tests passed Running tests in rtest_engineering_format: 16/16 tests passed Running tests in rtest_raddenest: 123/123 tests passed (not counting 1 expected errors) Running tests in rtest_decfp: 5/5 tests passed No unexpected errors found out of 4,885 tests. real time : 458.760 secs run-gbc time : 205.810 secs child run time : 152.080 secs gbc time : 61.680 secs (%o0) done